Massage Therapy
Immerse your senses in peace and tranquility as your stress melts away...
Each massage will receive hot towels scented with a signature essential oil, and then applied to several areas of the body
Seasons A La Minute Massage
This "dollar a minute" customized massage, of your choice, can be added to any service. This is perfect if you would like to extend your massage and spend an extra few minutes on a particular area.
Maximum 15 minutes
No-Stress Massage
This mini-massage will help relieve body tension so you can feel relaxed and rejuvenated.
40 minutes - $85
Customized Massage
After a thorough consultation to discuss your needs, your therapist will create a detailed massage to work on those specific muscle groups that require special attention. Designed to be the ultimate in relaxation, improve circulation and create a total sense of well-being and balance.
50 minutes - $95
80 minutes - $125
Hot Stone Add-On - $25
Arnica Relief - may be used to soothe sore muscles and target areas of inflammation for an additional $5
Reflexology with Foot Spa Treatment
This blissful treatment, for one of the most neglected areas of the body, starts with a Morning Mint Sugar Scrub applied to each foot and wrapped in steamed towels and ends with a Rosemary Mint foot massage. It is designed to ease tension and create balance as ancient healing techniques are applied to stimulate the reflexes and use the meridians to assist the healing process and to enable personal growth toward wholeness.
45 minutes - $95
Pregnancy Massage
Reduce stress and promote a sense of well-being with this massage specifically designed for the mom-to-be. A variety of massage techniques will be used to increase circulation, relieve muscle tension and reduce stress. Pillows are strategically placed to assist in comfort for massage.
60 minutes - $105
Pregnant women with the following conditions should speak with a health care provider prior to receiving a massage:
- High Risk Pregnancy
- Pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH)
- Preeclampsia
- Previous pre-term labor
- Experiencing severe swelling, high blood pressure, or sudden severe headaches
- Recently gave birth
Special Note:
Epicuren Discovery - 50/50 Massage Cream is used with each massage. This blend of massage oil in a creamy lotion is the ultimate luxurious massage medium for therapeutic use. It includes Macadamia Nut Oil, Kukui Nut Oil, and Shea Butter. Please let the technician know if you have a nut allergy. An alternative Pure-ssage massage oil and cream are available: unscented, nut-free and paraben free.